Emerging Sales Leader Programme


Emerging Sales Leader Programme

2020 is a challenging year to most of enterprise who wish to grow or maintain their businesses’ performance during this pandemic wave that impacting the global economy. How corporate could continue to evolve or strike for surviving with all these challenges derived from internal and external factors? The ultimate answer is we still have to tap on the existing talents and resources we are having, boost up the effectiveness of our salesforce!

Great sales leaders are born, but they can also be made!

Effective sales development program helps organizations engage their sales people, unlock potential, and revamping the sales strategy to win. Building a stronger team, having a great tool and processes as like upgrading our engine with greater horsepower to overtake other players by speed, technology, and uniqueness.

Unlike “train and go” concept, a good talent development program should be tailor-made for different corporate requirement. We assess talent, build SWOT analysis, conduct leadership competency mapping, gap diagnosis and deploy a coaching program help the sales talents to evolve.

Do drop us a line at info@tictactoe-consulting.com to explore further. #talentassessment #motivation #salestraining